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When does Spring Start in the UK?

When does Spring Start in the UK?

Now that those long winter months are coming to an end, and the days are slowly becoming lighter into the evening, the question we find ourselves asking is, "What day does spring actually start on?"

According to the Met Office, spring is classed as starting on the 1st of March, with spring applying to the months of March, April and May.

However traditionally the original start of spring isn't until the 20th/21st of March as that is the day of the vernal equinox, which is when the center of the sun is on plane with the earths equator, and Spring ends on the 20th of June, ready for Summer starting on the 21st.

For most of us we feel that once we are into March that spring has arrived, and with the days getting lighter and warmer it feels much more spring like than Winter. Whilst we may have another month until the official start of spring, that hasn't stopped us creating some sublime Spring inspired flower bouquets to brighten up your home with radiant colours.

We've love to hear your feedback, when do you feel spring starts?

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