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Top 5 Ways to Say Sorry to your Girlfriend

Top 5 Ways to Say Sorry to your Girlfriend

In the penalty box and desperately seeking a way out? There are different ways of apologising and demonstrating remorse, depending on how badly you’ve messed up. Check out this list of five different ways to tell a girlfriend that you’re very sorry!

Saying Sorry1. Give Them Some Space

If you feel like you’ve messed up really badly, it may take a few days for things to blow over. Be sure to give them plenty of space whilst letting them know you are available to talk when they are ready.


2. Write a Letter

Trying to apologise in person can sometimes blow up and result in a heated argument. Writing a letter gives you a chance to calmly and clearly communicate your feelings so they know exactly how you feel and where they stand.


3. Cook a Nice Meal

Sometimes the culinary route is the correct way back to the destination of total forgiveness. If you know what your loved one’s favourite dish is, why not cook it for them! Or order it from Zanzibar!


Saying Sorry Chores4. Do all the Chores

No-one likes doing chores around the home. I’m talking about dishes, cleaning, hoovering, dumping the rubbish. Why not pick up the slack and do all that stuff for her to show her how sorry you are.


Saying Sorry with Yellow Roses5. Send Flowers

We may be slightly biased on this point, but sending flowers to say sorry is one of the most popular ways of apologising, and with good reason. A colourful bouquet of fresh flowers is a feast for the senses and can often help you express remorse far better than words alone could.

What did you think of our top 5 ways to say sorry? Agree or disagree with any of these points? Have you tried any of these yourself or can you think of anything else to add? Let us know in the comments!

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