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Tips for Tomorrow's Solar Eclipse

Tips for Tomorrow's Solar Eclipse

March 2015 Solar Eclipse

Tomorrow is an exciting and eventful day; not only does March the 20th mark the vernal equinox and the official beginning of springtime in the UK but UK residents will also get the chance to witness a partial solar eclipse! Depending on whereabouts you are within the country, the eclipse will occur between 9:28am and 9:36am. The further north you are, the better chances you have of seeing the eclipse - residents of Portsmouth can expect to see up to an 84% eclipse whilst those in the Isle of Lewis can expect to see up to an exciting 98% eclipse!

This is the last eclipse in Europe until 2026 so it's best to make the most of it. But whatever you do, please remember not to look directly into the sun without the correct equipment! Special solar eclipse glasses can be ordered online or you can also have a go at making a pinhole camera to view the eclipse. Astronomy enthusiasts who own their own telescopes can also project the image of the eclipse through the telescope eyepiece onto a piece of paper.

Let us know if you are planning to view the equinox this Friday and, if you are, feel free to let us know how you get on!

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