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This Sunday is International Friendship Day

This Sunday is International Friendship Day

International Day of Friendship

This Sunday the 30th of July is the International Day of Friendship, a global event which promotes and encourages one of the most important relationships we have in our lives - friendship. Our friends are the ones who stick with us through thick and thin, the ones who are there when we need them and who we are there for when they need us.

Modern life with all its pressing demands on our attention can make it difficult to live in the moment and actually enjoy our friendships with presence and mindfulness. These days it's all too easy to relegate friendships to the superficial realms of social media, or to let old friends fall by the wayside as the demands of careers and kids get in the way.

Which is a shame! We believe that friendship is more important than ever, especially in these turbulent times we find ourselves living in. International Friendship Day is a good reminder that we need to keep our friends close, and it's a good excuse to reach out to friends old and new and arrange to meet up for a coffee, a walk or an activity together such as a cinema outing or trip to a gallery.

If you've an old friend in another part of the country, why not send them the gift of flowers in honour of your friendship? Stems such as roses (orange and yellow), chrysanthemums and irises have traditionally carried connotations of friendship and would look lovely in a bouquet to send to your BFF.

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