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#SummerFlowers 2015 Contest Winner Announced

#SummerFlowers 2015 Contest Winner Announced

For our latest competition on Twitter, we opted to do something a bit different from our usual "Retweet to win" affair and instead decided to hold a photo contest. The theme was #SummerFlowers and the uptake was very impressive, we had well over 70 entries with a variety of different interpretations of this theme. Flowers in the park, in the garden, bouquets of flowers, even flowers made of marzipan constituted one of the entries. We thought we'd take a look at some of our favourite images we received. A big thank you to everyone who entered; we wish we could feature them all on our blog but there were just too many!

@Alihalfpint sent us this eloquent collage of summer flowers growing in her garden. We especially liked the presentation of this entry.

@Congegenic_Images (whose images has been featured on our blog previously) was kind enough to send us this incredible image which showcases his undeniable flair for photography.


We were very impressed with the composition of this landscape photograph from @needaphone - the smattering of red petals stands out beautifully against the more sedated hues of the backdrop.

@xxRachxx sent us this photo which she snapped quite by accident when setting her phone down on the ground. As you can see, the result is pretty fantastic.

@Twinkledoo80 is responsible for the above image, a truly impressive piece of photography. We love the sharp focus on the flowers in the foreground.

@TweetingCharlee was a serious contendor for first place with this incredible image. She clearly has a gift for photography.

Here is another close up of a rose that we were very impressed by, this one featuring a bee nestled inside. Credit to @ions123 for sending this one in.

There were so many great entries, picking a winner was an incredibly difficult task. In the end, we were most impressed by the following image sent in to us by @CoxeeFoxy

There was just something about the composition and colour of this beautiful photograph that we found irresistable. A big thank you to Vanessa Cox, a bouquet of flowers is on its way to you!

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