Today is a very special day... no it's not the fact its the start of a new week or that we all survived Valentine's Day - today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, a special day where we all get the chance to do something nice for the special people in our life.
Whilst shouldn't need a reason to be kind and nice to one another, it's still good to be reminded of it. There have been studies done (don't ask us where!) that show being kind to another person is contagious, if we are kind to one person then they will be kind to another and so on. What better way to spread joy throughout the world by simply being nice to another without wanting anything in return.
If you are looking to do something for Random Acts of Kindness Day we have some great ideas. How about sending a friend or family member a simple message thanking them for something they have recently done for you, or even thanking them for being in your life. Or you could message a friend and offer to buy them lunch or a even just a coffee! Maybe you have a pet and want to buy them a nice new treat. One great idea is if you have travel left on your bus or train ticket, why not hand it to someone waiting or leave it out for someone to use and great a free trip home.
Of course, being that we are florists we would have to suggest that sending a bouquet of fresh flowers fro random acts of kindness day would be a great thing! We are all a bit exhausted after Valentine's Day however we have a range of beautiful fresh bouquets that are bursting full of floral delight, and are sure to bring a smile to your friends and family.