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Quick! Get the pruning shears!

Quick! Get the pruning shears!

It may feel like an unseasonal time of year to be spending too many hours in the garden, but with the recent (comparatively) warm snap, this could be the perfect opportunity to catch up on all that Winter pruning.

As Deborah Stone explains in this article in The Express, "It's all in the timing".

And when is the best time for pruning summer-flowering plants? Why, February!

"Restrictive pruning, to keep a shrub or tree the right size for its spot, can take place most months of the year – but with different consequences.

Prune in February (as you should for summer-flowering shrubs) and you have the whole growing season ahead so you can expect a lot of growth, but cut back in the summer and there will only be a few more growing months until winter dormancy so there won’t be lavish new shoots."

So what are you waiting for? Grab those shears, don those gloves. Brandish the secateurs, before it's too late!

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