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Making cakes out of flowers

Making cakes out of flowers

One of the stranger televisual trends of recent years has to be the Great British Bake-Off. While most reality television has ramped up the spectacle and the tension to breaking point, using showbiz, sex and celebrities to sell, this programme has somehow got tens of thousand of people obsessed with nice-seeming types getting a little bit flustered about making cake.

And to mark the GBBO's return for a fourth series, and also if we're honest to mark the fact that we at Clare Florist think cakes and flowers are just about the two best things ever, we present to you...cakes made out of flowers!

First off, we've hunted down a couple of YouTube videos of people making cakes entirely out of flowers! Sadly, the resulting cakes aren't edible, but are rather tasty-looking floral arrangements. 

First up we have "Style with a Smile" and their floral cake arrangement:

And then we have this rather lovely video from Rittners Floral School, in which a delightful elderly chap standing in front of a blackboard takes us through the creation of an exquisite little floral cupcake:

But finally, we couldn't end this blog post without leaving you with SOMETHING to actually bake and eat for yourself, so check out this recipe from Martha Stewart for a novelty flower-shaped cake, made from buttermilk, lemons, and meringue buttercream. Mmmmm....!

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