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Good Luck to Everyone Getting Their A-level Results!

Good Luck to Everyone Getting Their A-level Results!

It’s that day of the year. While students in Scotland are ahead of the curve, having got their Higher results last Tuesday (or, in some cases even earlier, owing to a slip-up by the SQA), now it’s the turn of England, Wales and Northern Ireland to be filled with teenagers biting their nails, as 17- and 18-year-olds across the country find out just how they got on in their A-levels.

If any pupils or mums of pupils who just got their results are reading this, we at Clare Florist would just like to extend a huge WELL DONE. Not for your grades (although if you got what you wanted then that’s fantastic, and well done you!), but for getting through it. Nobody likes the stress and the pressure of exam season, especially not when schools are concerned for their positions in national league tables, and often end up taking that out on the pupils.

So breathe easy, give yourself or your child a pat on the back and a massive slice of cake, and relax. For anyone who may have just missed out on the grades which they ‘needed’, please remember grades aren’t everything. A little Tweet crossed our Twitter feed this morning with a link that we thought was worth passing on: a great list of people who succeeded despite setbacks.

Most inspirational is probably the quote from basketball don Michael Jordan:

"I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

– when you put it like that, messing up an A-level or two doesn’t seem such a bad thing!

And of course, if you decide that your friend, child or grandchild could do with an extra special “congrats!”, here at Clare we have everything that you could need. We’ve got a dedicated “congratulations” section on our website full of bouquets and gift sets (with tasty chocolates, mmmmm…) which contains loads of beautiful flowers (like the lovely 'tutti frutti, shown below) which are a fantastic way to congratulate a hardworking pupil on getting their A-levels.

the tutti frutti bouquet looking resplendent

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