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Fill Yourself with Blossom

Fill Yourself with Blossom

Edible blossom

Remember that lovely blog we had on cherry blossom the other day? Did you, too, find yourself thinking 'mmm-mmm, those look good enough to eat!'?

Well it turns out that you can!


Although you shuold always be careful (pollen allergy sufferers might want to avoid edible flowers altogether) what you put in your mouth, nature is generous with her bounty, and when she made cherry blossom she didn't just make it delicious to look at. 

As the website 'the Edible Eden' points out, 'the Japanese have eaten cherry blossoms every spring for hundreds of years. They also eat the leaves.' 

Meanwhile T Magazine recommends including cherry blossom in sushi -- think of a delicate slice of pickled ginger balanced atop a slice of sashimi, and simply replace the ginger with a beautiful edible blossom. 

The magazine also offers the following recipe for 'salted cherry blossoms'. Do let us know if you give it a go!


Salted Cherry Blossoms
Adapted From Uni Sashimi Bar

2 cups rice vinegar
¼ cup sugar
½ teaspoon kosher salt
1-inch piece fresh ginger, smashed
1 umeboshi plum (available at Japanese markets or health-food stores)
½ teaspoon grenadine syrup
8 ounces cherry blossoms, or other edible blossoms.

1. Combine all ingredients except the cherry blossoms in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring to dissolve the sugar.

2. Put the cherry blossoms in a heat-resistant container and pour the just-boiled liquid over them; stir gently to submerge the flowers completely in the liquid. Cool, cover tightly and keep in the refrigerator for at least three days before serving. The pickled blossoms will keep several weeks in the refrigerator. Makes about 1 cup.

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