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Dramatic and dark themes prevail at Hampton Court Flower Show

Dramatic and dark themes prevail at Hampton Court Flower Show


Who would ever have thought that Metallica could inspire a flower display?

But that's exactly what's happened at the Hampton Court Flower Show, where a garden named "I Disappear" after the Metallica song (which people may remember from it's Mission Impossible 2 themed video, featuring singer James Hetfield's remarkable beard) also features lyrics from the song -- the rather dramatic line "Do you bury me when I'm gone?" is written all over the garden, painted onto timber. 

But even these desolate, heavy metal themes are not quite as dark as Bruce Waldock's garden, Ashes to Ashes -- although the gardener himself insists that his garden, which features dead trees, charred tombstones and blood-red plants, is actually just a reflection of nature's ability to struggle on through a crisis. 

"I'm not gloomy at all," Waldock insisted, "I think I'm a very optimistic person. Nature created these bugs and nature will find a cure."

As evidence for his optimism, he points out that a strain of trees which has developed a resistance to Dutch Elm Disease is the culmination point of his garden's design. 

But there's no denying those gravestones have a pretty ominous cast...

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