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Clare Florist Advent Calendar - 17 days to go!

Clare Florist Advent Calendar - 17 days to go!


days to go


The countdown continues. Your special treat with seventeen days until Christmas is ... ooh, it's a beautiful lily!

Festive Fact: The lily features in the Christian Bible: "Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these". And people today find the lily every bit as amazing as the early Christians did, with the lily still one of the world best-loved flowers.

So if you've considered the lily, and decided that a lily bouquet would made the perfect gift for somebody you love this Christmas, then consider the Christmas Joy bouquet from Clare Florist. The Christmas Lilies in this boquet make it one of our most overwhelming, beautiful Christmas gifts. Order it here.

Christmas Joy

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