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Can Plants Really Improve Productivity?

Can Plants Really Improve Productivity?

Can plants really improve productivity

It's no secret that plants and flowers can brighten up our home and, subsequently, brighten our mood.

In recent years it has also come to light that the introduction of plants to a work space, be it a home office, showroom or call centre, can actually help to keep employees motivated. Greater levels of concentration, productivity and job satisfaction as well as lowered levels of stress are just some of the reported benefits of keeping the workplace filled with pretty greenery, claims which are backed up by scientific studies.

So it seems as if plants really can improve productivity as well as adding a touch of natural beauty to any environment as well of course, workplace or otherwise. If you're an employer looking to inspire staff adding some plants to the office is an easy, relatively inexpensive, and highly effective method of doing this. Or perhaps you're a freelancer working from home and need something more than endless cups of coffee to keep the motivation train running.

Plants come in many shapes, styles and sizes so there's bound to be something to suit your personality. Looking for something chic and exotic? How about a Phalaenopsis Orchid. These come in white or pink which means you can colour coordinate with your existing decor. Or if you prefer something more traditional, green and leafy, how about a Yucca? If you want something trendy and slightly unusual, a cactus plant could be a good choice.

Let us know which plants you have in your workplace - we'd love to hear from you and find out if you believe plants at work help keep you motivated...

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