This Saturday the 27th of August marks Just Because Day, a day when you have an excuse to do anything you like without any reason. Be impulsive, spontaneous, embrace the moment. The past doesn’t exist anymore and the future has yet to come, so all that exists is now, the eternal present moment.
On Just Because Day take a trip somewhere new, try out a new activity, send someone flowers. You don’t need any reason, motive or justification other than ‘just because.’ Sometimes life doesn’t need to make sense. Follow your intuition. Or try being counterintuitive. You don’t need to rationalise every decision. Go with the flow. Or try something radically different.
Unexpected gifts are often the most pleasant to receive which is why Just Because Day is a great day to surprise someone you care about with a present. If you aren’t sure of what specifically they’d like, you can never go wrong with a bouquet of fresh flowers. You could even subtly try to find out what are their favourite flowers beforehand – as it isn’t near Valentine’s Day or a specific birthday or anniversary it will be easier to quiz them without arousing suspicion that could spoil the surprise somewhat.
Just Because Day needn’t necessarily be about someone else. Perhaps you want to spoil yourself on this day and send flowers to yourself for no other reason than ‘just because.’ If you are working on the Saturday, why not have them sent to your place of work to generate intrigue and envy amongst your colleagues!
So what are your plans for Just Because Day? Or maybe you feel like making plans goes against the spirit of the holiday! Let us know.