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Tips for Tuesday – What to do with those left over pumpkins

Tips for Tuesday – What to do with those left over pumpkins

So Halloween has been and gone and we are all full to exploding with sweets, chocolate and face paint. The costumes have gone back into the cupboard for the next piece of fancy dress shenanigans but what to do with those left over pumpkins and lanterns that were so loving carved out a few days earlier but now just look creepy and out of place in novemeber. Well firstly don’t just throw them away, for the frugal at heart here are some tips to help you get the most out of those left over pumpkins.

Cook Something Pumpkin Based.

Whether its turning that left over pumpkin into pumpkin hummus, pumpkin risotto, pumpkin ravioli or pumpkin puree 


Donate them to your local farm

If you have a local livestock farm nearby animals love pumpkin and instead of it just going in the bin donate it make some animals happy this autumn.

Save Those Seeds!

Get those seeds from the pumpkin and maybe start growing your own pumpkins in your garden. Another thing you can do with them is you could make your own oven roasted pumpkin seeds, just add a little salt and enjoy the tasty outcome.


Compost them

Pumpkins make a great addition to your compost heap.


Make a Camera

What do you get when you combine engineers with a left over pumpkin? a pumpkin pin hole camera, if you feel technically inclined with your pumpkin follow this tutorial to make your own camera.



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