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Fun on the Fringe

Fun on the Fringe

Despite its unpredictable weather, I reckon my home town, Edinburgh, is one of the best places to spend summer. Certainly many thousands of tourists seem to agree, as they flock to the small capital every year for the delights of Edinburgh’s various summer festivals: the International Film Festival, the Fringe Festival  and the International Festival, among the best-known. The streets are a-buzz with performers in  all manner of amusing dress, venue tents and beet gardens appear in the parks and there’s always a huge choice of different shows from around the world: music, theatre, dance, comedy and children’s. In my experience, quality and cost are also quite varied. I never plan to go to anything and somehow always end up going to four or five shows! You can get two for one tickets by booking early but sometimes I manage to get free tickets to a random show just by walking past one of the venues on a not too busy day. My favourite show last year was one a friend invited me to: stand up comedian Daniel Kitson telling a humorous and touching story with musical accompaniment from Gavin Osborn in a tent at 2am! I wonder what this year will have in store. Best get browsing. Let us know if you’ve any recommendations.

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