Hurrah ! Santa is almost here.
We've helped the elves as much as we could by making sure all your flower parcels have been dispatched on time.
So now all we have to do is go home and sit back by the Christmas tree waiting for him to come.
As you know Rudolph heads up his team of reindeer, but do you know the rest of them?
Here you go Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner & Blitzen.
Children remember to leave out some food for those weary reindeer. They're used to finding food beneath the snow but they also like dried porridge oats mixed with a wee bit of sugar, they need the sugar to pull the sleigh laden with presents.
You can sprinkle it in the garden and lead a path to your door, when you wake in the morning they will have eaten most of it!
So go to bed nice and early and close your eyes tight, make a wish and you can be sure the reindeer will come that night.
Have a very Merry Christmas from Kerryanne and all the team at Clare Florist.