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Father's Day this weekend

Father's Day this weekend

Some trivia facts about Father's Day:

  • Majority of countries around the world celebrate Father's Day on the 3rd Sunday of June.
  • The first June Father's Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington. This was inspired by the establishment of Mother's Day in 1908.
  • Mrs. Sonora Smart Dodd was believed to have originated the June Father's Day, which she had set up in order to commemorate her father who reared his six children as a single parent.
  • Father's Day is the fifth most popular card-sending holiday, with an estimated $100 million in card sales!
  • Father's Day has evolved into something much more than just for honouring fathers - it has become the day for showing our appreciation for grandfathers, uncles, godfathers, father-in-laws, son-in-laws etc also! 

It would be so easy to opt for default choice Father's Day presentssuch as ties and gadgets, but if it's time for a change how aboutsending a delicately designed botanical arrangement? While perhaps not all men appreciate receiving a bouquetof flowers as gift, this arrangement seems like a perfect choice for anunconventional Father's Day present, combining masculinity with sentiments. (Also comes with complimentarybar of Thornton's chocolate with fudge pieces for dads with a sweettooth!)

See our Fathers Day Flowers

Ordering this is a great option particularly for those who live somedistance away from their parents or even just as a surprise deliveryfor those who will be spending the day with them!


Prepared by Tracy, posted by Dave.

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