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Despite all the doom and gloom of studies/surveys etc. Easter is a Happy Occasion which no doubt most of us throughout the UK will be celebrating.  So, on a less serious note, here are some Easter-related "facts":

  • Rabbits like to eat licorice
  • "Easter Island" has no trees growing on it
  • A mother hen turns her egg over approx 50 times every day
  • A hen has to eat 4 pounds to be able to produce 12 eggs
  • Eggs contain all vitamins except vitamin C (note, not the chocolate eggs!)

Something else you may not know is that there is a South American Tinamou known as the Easter Egg Bird and lays multi-coloured eggs in pink, yellow, green, blue and purple.

Easter Baskets

During my research into modern Easter traditions I noticed that one big difference between our Easter culture compared with that of the US is their wider use of "Easter Baskets" rather than the UK's "Easter Eggs".  These can be filled simply with the usual chocolate eggs - or you can be more inventive!  This can be turned into a great, healthy alternative for your children.  Kids love that something different as well (as they will probably get loads of eggs anyway!).  A simple basket filled with any small trinkets will be a delight.  Some ideas could include:

  • bubbles
  • snap cards
  • novelty erasers, pens etc
  • small plastic animals
  • a fluffy chick or rabbit

I am sure you can think of plenty yourself. Children appreciate something that they can keep once the chocolate has gone and they are recovering the next day!

Signing-Off for Easter

So, a great Easter to you all - however you choose to spend it.  I will just leave you with a few Easter-inspired jokes I have "happened upon".  I will reserve judgement on these!

Q:  Why did the Easter Egg hide?

A:  Because he was a little Chicken!

Q:  What is the difference between a crazy bunny and a "fake" banknote?

A:  One is bad money and the other a mad bunny!

Q:  What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

A:  A hot cross bunny!

So, all that's left for me to say is:

HAPPY EASTER from all at Clare Florist

Posted for Viki by Bob

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