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Easter - News Update

Easter - News Update

In the aftermath of Easter – I now bring you some offerings from recent newspaper articles. There is so much out there – I may well bring you some more later on in the week. It would be interesting to know how much chocolate one consumes on average over Easter – and see how that compares to my consumption over the past 2 days! I can hardly move! And if I see another Cream Egg….!

Songs of Praise “Easter” Service

ITV (as with the BBC) have admitted that their “Easter Songs of Praise” was, in fact, filmed in December! The windows were lit up from behind to make it look like the sun was shining through, and participants wore suitable attire to make it look as if they were actually attending an Easter Service!

The service was actually filmed the day following its Christmas Eve service! ITV apparently admitted that the same pre-recording had been done at the end of the year previously, with a source at the channel stating that this had been done over many Easters! He added however that on the part of ITV there was nothing misleading as the services were never promoted as “live” (although there is a difference between not being live and bringing out a service with people in platforms and flares!). On the other hand however, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill (the Bishop of Lichfield) said that it would give an “air of unreality” to the Easter service.

For more on the debate, please see here


Those of you who read the survey results from Somerfield Supermarket which I included in a previous blog, may be interested to know the context of their survey (not mine obviously – I never make miztakes!). The store seemingly in fact got into a “huge muddle over the meaning of Easter…in its attempt to sell more chocolate eggs” ( The Times , 4 April 2007 in an Article entitled  “Store gets egg on it’s face…” !). In a press statement, Somerfield made a “boob” which they then revised, and had to revise again before they finally got it right!

Please see the revisions as below:

Somerfield Press Release 3 April 2007:  [On Easter Eggs and Brits not knowing the meaning of handing them out]

  1. "over a quarter don't know why handing them out symbolises the birth of Jesus..."
  2. "over a quarter don't know why handing them out symbolises the rebirth of Jesus..."
  3. "over a quarter don't know why handing them out symbolises the resurrection of Jesus"

For more on the subject please see:  The Times Online

Other Links of interest relating to Easter:

Easter Around the World

Please see the following link for the Times’ Photo Gallery comprising 14 Easter photos from around the World.

Royal Bonnets!

If you are interested in the Royals and their “Bonnets” over the Easter Period, you may like to take a look at: this link which features photos, including the Queen herself arriving for the Royal Families Easter Service with a beautifully floral effort.

That’s it for today! I feel a lot better now! Pass the Cream Eggs!

Posted for Viki by Bob

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