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Has Easter Lost it's Roots? and what does it mean to the modern World?

Has Easter Lost it's Roots? and what does it mean to the modern World?

I have already touched upon some of the many activities and symbolisms traditionally associated with Easter in this blog.  But to what extent are they significant today?  I have also previously mentioned the way in which much of Easter celebrations revolve around symbols of fertility and birth - and many of these symbols are still associated with Easter today - such as the Easter Bunny.  But most of the people whom I asked were surprised about the connection between the Easter Bunny being representative of new birth and fertility.

So, it may seem that we have kept the "fun" parts of Easter and forgot about the seriousness and meanings behind what we are doing.  We may give (and eat!) chocolate easter eggs at Easter - but do we think when we are doing this - that we are celebrating what the egg traditionally symbolises - new life and everything associated with it.

If you are interested in the question I have posed at the top, please watch out over the next couple of days, as I have been surveying people to ask them what word they most associate with Easter.  I will also have a variety of quotes from people young to old on what Easter means for them.

Posted for Viki by Bob

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