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That Friday feeling

That Friday feeling

Friday Is Flower Day !!!

That’s what they say in Holland.

It’s the day that the public pick up flowers for themselves. Not something thatusually happens in

Britain,most people buy flowers as gifts but over there its as normal as buying a pintof milk. Most homes have at least 1 vase full somewhere in the house.

Its also a big day behind the scenes for Florists too, time to order all thestock for the week ahead and make sure any Friday and Saturday functions areon track.

Aalsmeer auction was starting to pick up, January is not the busiest timebut they are getting ready for the Valentines onslaught, this is definitelyshowing at the moment with the selling prices on the clocks staying high with stillnearly 2 weeks to go.   Oh well, we will have to wait and see howthings pan out.

Its looking like the 3 big varieties will be Grand Prix, Passion and I thinkEl Torro this Valentines the growers seem to have concentrated on them at leastwhich will give the consumer a well cultivated strong rose.

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